March 2, 2019

Out with the old, In with the new

Ever had friends who you just talk to for sake of friendship that you are not even sure exist? Most of the time we dwell on trying to fix broken things instead of looking forward and embrace new people simple because we have fear of change.

i kind of like someone enough to not be able to think , i knew how bad that person was for me but it didn't knock some sense into my brain. I kept on pursuing that person until i realized i was just wasting my time and getting heart broken by the same person simply because i was to engrossed and too caring to  let go.

Do no misquote me, i am not saying do not care about people. You should care about people but just make sure that person cares about you just as much as you do. Make sure the people in your life are not dragging you down and you cant focus on your own path because you are afraid that they will leave you. Its not mean , its looking forward.

As someone once said, The secret to success is to not to try to impress everyone.

#Resolutions #Success  #Meaningful engagements

July 11, 2018

Shake up your life: how to change your own perspective

Have you ever wondered why some people do not do things the way we expect them to do, well me too.

Often times I have been disappointed by people who act in ways that i don't expect them to. Notice the word expect. As funny as it may sound we are creatures of expectation such that in our interactions we often expect but we do not tell that someone what they should do.

We magically assume that someone is going to do what we expect but we don't tell them what we expect. How then do you expect someone to do something the way you expect it when you have not told them what you expect from them.

We often get disappointed because of the results of our expectations we do not realize that our expectations are not communicated. We then complain and cause ruckus, you can't blame someone for not thinking like you!
The point to note is that we don't have the same expectations, beliefs and views. We even react differently to situations, we are taught by different people as we grow up. We pick up manners as we go so even if we are raised by the same person our minds are not similar. Our rationality doesn't come the same place, so next time we just simply accept that the next person is different and we don't think alike.

And the next time you want someone to do what you expect simply tell them.

#perspective #outlook #newlife


Now you might be wondering what this blog is all about. 

We all know most things right? Now,  you are thinking i am just stating random things. I am not ! But have you ever noticed when someone mentions something thats the moment you actually think, 'oh wait i know this' but if the person had not thought about it and mentioned you would not have thought about it as well. 

I have chosen a few definitions of hysterics like wildness, irrationality, loss of control, loss of reason, mania , distress or simply distractions. 

I know now you are asking what has that got to do with anything. Well, basically i will be talking about my experiences with people and the most common instances of irrationality and various other things. Or like the tittle describes the anywhere the wandering mind wanders off to. I will just focus on anything that is of interest. Expect a lot!